Today I almost got hit by a car. This car was not doing anything wrong. In fact it was my own fault. I was going the wrong way down a narrow street. Several things were in my favor however. I was going slowly, as was the car. I had to go slowly to avoid sleeping cars, as did the car. And the car was a mini-cooper, leaving me room.

I didn’t however get hit by this car. I instead braked hard, swerved, threw a hard skid to bring my back end out of the way and kept on going. I didn’t even think about what I was doing, and the car never even honked. We were two kinetic beings and we had passed in the street as easy as you would pass someone while walking past them. I never even though “ohh crap!”, I simply reacted, I just kept moving.

That car might have thought I was an asshole, or maybe just thought I was crazy. But I thought nothing, my mind was free of all worry and honestly I wasn’t even bothered. My hands feet and legs knew what to do and they did them. I made a mental note to be more careful on that turn, and filed it away. Some would hear this story and take it as one more reason not to ride your bike, or one more reason why you should follow traffic laws. I see it as a beautiful dance.