So lets play a game. Pretend you are a car. You are driving down the road, and all of a sudden another car just decides that they want to turn left right in front of you. There is a very good chance you would crash right into them, hurting you both, and bending your fender and making your engine all broke and whatnot.

Today a minivan decided to do the same to me, lucky for me two things were true. One I was able to swerve into a nearby driveway, and two I was able to skid to a stop. The best part of minivans antics was that it then saw that I had stopped, and as I started moving forward again, it tried ONCE AGAIN to move through me. Enough already minivan! These sort of things happen for one simple reason, cars are not paying attention. If you are a car, you need to be looking for us adventurers, because we are much smaller than you, and it hurts when you give us hugs.

Other than a minivan trying desperately to give me it’s crushing love, the ride home was pretty good. I saw a very pretty lady adventurer and had a bit of witty banter with her. “On your left” I mentioned as I rode up past her on the left. “Nice day for a ride” I say, she responds, “Yes beautiful.” Clearly I am a pimp. Then she went right, and I went straight and the romance was over. Such is life.

The temperature outside was so perfect for riding, and I had a very pleasant time on the ride home. It was a gentle uplifting ride that just really made me feel good. You get one like that every once in a while, a perfect ride that just makes everything right. Until next time, I wish you all a perfect ride.