It was sorta rain mist today on the ride home. Made for some fun times. The ride was fun, and the cool temperatures kept me from overheating.

Here is one tip for you cars. If you pass me on the left, and then gun it to get past me, then pull right over into the right hand lane, you should know I am STILL there. Just because you put me behind you doesn’t mean that when you fly over into the right hand lane I will have vanished.

I almost got eaten by one particular car today (again it was the ever cranky taxi, that breed just isn’t right somehow), it gunned past me then pulled right in front of me, luckily I know how to brake and skid. Never even took my feet out of the clips. It is kind of fun if you are ever in a parking lot with no cars around, go real fast then slam on the brakes, crank the handle bars to one side, see if you get fully perpendicular, then do a little bunny hop, turn straight and keep riding, it helps to do this all in one fluid motion. Makes the huumans think you are crazy/fancy.

Supposed to be cool again in the morning, lets hope so I like riding in this weather. Till then bike hard.