It rained for about an hour Saturday night which thankfully removed a lot of the heat.  I went for a long slow ride today, exploring some roads I have not been down, and also picking up a smaller map to help me navigate downtown better.  I figure if I am going to try and get a job with a pedicab company I should at least know where things are.

The huumans were acting so strange today.  It was as if the sudden departure of the heat made their brains snap.  One rather rotund huuman was slapping a tree vigorously as if the tree had insulted his mother.  While others didn’t seem to know if they wanted to cross the street or stand in staring blankly at me as I rode past.  I  have never had so much trouble with the huumans before.  Usually it is the cars that try and get me.  Must have been that most cars were sleeping today, giving the huumans a lot of hiding spaces in between them.

I might need a different ride.  The one I have now has been so good to me for so long, but it has been pampered with smooth concrete, and level asphalt, two things Boston has little of.  My Giant Ocr3 has too many parts that rattle and creak when I hit bumps.  I am instead thinking of getting a strong steal framed fixed gear.  Or maybe because I am not so hot at fixy riding just yet, one with a flip/flop back hub so I can go single speed in a pinch.

I have been on my bike every day for several weeks now, and it has been great.  I yearn for the breeze in my hair, and the sound of my chain kissing the rings.   I wonder if Boston has a “bike culture” that I just haven’t found yet.  There just has to be some sort of group I haven’t tapped into yet.  When I find them, I hope they will like me.

Are you from Boston?  Do you know where the adventurers are? Do tell.