It seems like the cars are restless lately. In the span of three day two of them try to run me over? The fist while I was safely ensconced in a bike lane, the second while in clear view. Dear cars, the best way to ruin my day is to suddenly pull over in front of me. This makes me sad. Mostly because this means I will either, A) fly off my bike and land on your trunk, or b) fly off my bike and land on the ground. Both suck.

What particularly steamed me was the fact that the car this morning had the audacity to inform me that “I would have heard you if I had hit you” and “If I hit you why didn’t you fall?” Well excuse me for not making a louder sound as I bounced off your back tail light, and I most certainly did fall when you hit me, jerk face. Perhaps next time I will throw myself under the front wheels so that I make more noise and am clearly visible when falling.

My only thought is that it must be mating season for the cars, or perhaps they shed and it is itchy this time of year, because I have not seen them this restless in a long time. I will be extra careful to avoid more inter-species conflicts, lets hope they do the same.